Powerful, Flexible Unlimited Hosting

When building a website, start here. Our shared service delivers a powerful, proven platform.


Advanced Plans and Add-Ons

Upgrade your plan for advanced features or enhance your account with optional add-ons

Multi-Server Management

Multi-server management can be done using various tools and software, such as server management platforms, cloud management platforms, or configuration management tools. These tools allow administrators to manage multiple servers at once, automate routine tasks, and monitor system performance and health.


Access Control

Access control is the process of granting or denying users or systems the ability to access specific resources, such as files, databases, systems, or networks. The purpose of access control is to ensure that only authorized users or systems are able to access resources and that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access.


Content Delivery Network

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that work together to deliver digital content, such as images, videos, and web pages, to users based on their geographic location. The purpose of a CDN is to improve the speed and reliability of content delivery, especially for websites or applications that have a global user base.

Advanced Capabilities

Advanced capabilities refer to the enhanced features and functionalities that are available in web hosting and related technologies, such as virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, and dedicated servers. These advanced capabilities allow businesses and individuals to have more control over their websites, applications, and data, and to scale their resources as needed.

Unique IPs

An IP address is a unique numerical identifier assigned to every device connected to the internet. In the context of web hosting, having a unique IP address means that your website or application is assigned its own unique IP address, rather than sharing an IP address with other websites hosted on the same server.


Domain Privacy

Domain privacy is especially important for businesses and individuals who want to protect their personal information and maintain their online privacy. However, it is important to note that domain privacy may not be available for all top-level domains, and some domain registrars may charge an additional fee for this service.



SiteLock uses a combination of automated scanning tools and human expertise to scan websites for security vulnerabilities and malware. The service can scan websites for malware, vulnerabilities, and other security issues, and provides alerts and reports to website owners when issues are detected.



Website monitoring allows website owners to track changes to their website and receive alerts when changes are made, while change tracking allows website owners to see exactly what changes have been made to their website over time. Version control allows website owners to roll back to previous versions of their website, in case of errors or issues.

Spam Protection

Spam protection refers to measures taken to prevent unwanted or unsolicited messages, known as spam, from being delivered to users' email inboxes, comments sections, or other communication channels. Spam is a common problem for businesses and individuals, and it can lead to security breaches, malware infections, and loss of productivity.

Perfect hosting plan for your next site

Shared Hosting Plans

Unlimited 1

$ 150 /per year
Unlimited Addon
Free a .COM Domain
Unlimited SSD Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
99.99% Uptime
24/7/365 Support
Unlimited Email
2 GB Ram
1 CPU Core

Unlimited 2

$ 300 /per year
Unlimited Addon
Free a .COM Domain
Unlimited SSD Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
99.99% Uptime
24/7/365 Support
Unlimited Email
4 GB Ram
2 CPU Core

Unlimited 3

$ 500 /per year
1 Website
Buy a .COM $14
5 GB NVMe Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
99.99% Uptime
24/7/365 Support
Unlimited Email
6 GB Ram
4 CPU Core

More than Web Hosting

Innovative features make hosting simple.


24/7 Expert Support

Get your own IT department, instantly. Our award-winning US-Based experts are available to help.


Unlimited Hosting

Powerful shared hosting that doesn't put limits on the amount of data you transfer.


FREE Domain

We include a domain with every annual "Unlimited" plan and, unlike most hosts, we don't charge a fees.


Free SSL Security

We include Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on all domains so the data passed is always safely.


Unlimited Email

Create unlimited addresses with POP/IMAP/SMTP accounts. Plus support for autoresponders, and webmail.


Fast SSD Storage

All of your files are stored on fast, high-performance solid-state drives.

FAQs About Phox Shared Web Servers


“Unlimited hosting” is a term used by some web hosting providers to describe hosting plans that offer unlimited or unmetered resources, such as disk space, bandwidth, and email accounts. However, it’s essential to understand that the term “unlimited” in hosting is often subject to certain terms and conditions and may not mean truly limitless resources.

Here are some key points to consider regarding unlimited hosting:

1. **Resource Limits**: While hosting providers may advertise their plans as “unlimited,” there are usually hidden resource limits in place. These limits are set to ensure the fair and responsible use of resources by customers and to prevent abuse.

2. **Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)**: Hosting providers typically have an Acceptable Use Policy that outlines what is considered reasonable usage of resources. Violating this policy, such as using excessive server resources for activities like file sharing or running resource-intensive applications, may result in account suspension or termination.

3. **Shared Hosting**: Unlimited hosting plans are commonly associated with shared hosting services, where multiple users share the same server resources. In a shared hosting environment, resources are distributed among all users, and excessive resource usage by one user can affect others.

4. **Fair Usage**: Unlimited hosting plans are designed for typical website and email hosting needs. If your website experiences sudden and sustained high traffic or resource demands, your hosting provider may ask you to upgrade to a more suitable plan or server type.

5. **Performance**: The performance of websites hosted on unlimited plans can be affected if a server becomes overloaded due to resource-intensive activities by users. This can lead to slower website loading times and decreased overall performance.

6. **Transparency**: It’s important to read the hosting provider’s terms of service carefully to understand the limitations and restrictions associated with their unlimited hosting plans. Hosting providers vary in their policies and enforcement.

7. **Alternative Hosting Plans**: If your website or online project has resource-intensive requirements or expects significant traffic, you may consider other hosting options, such as VPS hosting or dedicated server hosting, which offer dedicated and scalable resources.

In summary, while unlimited hosting plans may sound appealing, it’s essential to be aware of the terms and conditions associated with such plans. They are not truly unlimited in the sense of having no resource limits, and resource usage is typically subject to fair use policies. It’s advisable to choose a hosting plan that aligns with your website’s needs and to review the hosting provider’s policies to avoid any surprises regarding resource limitations.

Unlimited hosting plans, which offer unmetered or unlimited resources such as disk space, bandwidth, and email accounts, can offer several benefits, especially for individuals and small businesses with specific hosting needs. Here are some potential advantages of unlimited hosting:

1. **Cost-Efficiency**: Unlimited hosting plans often provide a cost-effective solution for hosting multiple websites or applications without worrying about resource constraints. They can be budget-friendly for those who want predictable monthly expenses.

2. **Simplicity**: Unlimited hosting plans simplify the decision-making process, as users don’t need to monitor or calculate resource usage continuously. This makes them suitable for individuals and small businesses that prefer hassle-free hosting.

3. **Scalability**: While there may be hidden resource limits, unlimited hosting plans can still offer scalability. Users can start with a basic plan and upgrade as their website or application grows, without worrying about immediate resource limitations.

4. **Convenience**: Unlimited plans can be convenient for users who want to focus on website development, content creation, or online business activities without having to manage or optimize server resources.

5. **Suitable for Basic Needs**: Unlimited hosting is suitable for hosting basic websites, personal blogs, small online stores, and email accounts without high traffic or resource-intensive requirements.

6. **Predictable Pricing**: With unlimited hosting, users often have predictable pricing, as they pay a fixed monthly or annual fee without incurring overage charges based on resource usage.

7. **No Worries About Overage**: Users don’t need to worry about exceeding resource limits, which can be a concern with metered hosting plans that charge additional fees for exceeding allocated resources.

8. **Shared Hosting Benefits**: Unlimited hosting plans are commonly associated with shared hosting, where multiple users share server resources. Shared hosting is typically more affordable than other hosting options, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

It’s important to note that while unlimited hosting plans offer benefits, they are subject to terms of service and acceptable use policies set by the hosting provider. Users should review these policies carefully to understand any limitations and ensure that their websites or applications comply with the provider’s guidelines.

Additionally, for websites with significant resource demands, high traffic, or complex requirements, such as e-commerce platforms or large databases, unlimited hosting may not provide the level of performance and scalability needed. In such cases, users may consider more specialized hosting solutions, such as VPS hosting or dedicated servers, which offer dedicated resources and greater control.

“Shared hosting” and “unlimited hosting” are terms used to describe different aspects of web hosting services. They address different aspects of hosting plans, and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between shared hosting and unlimited hosting:

**Shared Hosting**:

1. **Resource Sharing**: Shared hosting refers to a hosting environment where multiple users share the same physical server and its resources. These resources include CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth.

2. **Limited Resources**: In shared hosting, the resources are shared among all users on the server. Each user gets an allocated portion of these resources. This allocation ensures cost-effectiveness but can lead to resource limitations if one user consumes too many resources.

3. **Cost-Efficiency**: Shared hosting is typically the most budget-friendly hosting option because the costs are distributed among multiple users. It’s suitable for small websites, personal blogs, and startups with limited budgets.

4. **Resource Constraints**: The shared nature of resources means that the performance of your website can be affected by the activities and resource usage of other users on the same server. This is known as the “noisy neighbor” effect.

**Unlimited Hosting**:

1. **Resource Policy**: Unlimited hosting is a term used by some hosting providers to describe hosting plans that offer unlimited or unmetered resources, such as disk space, bandwidth, and email accounts.

2. **Resource Usage**: While unlimited hosting plans may appear to provide limitless resources, they typically have hidden resource limits and acceptable use policies in place. These policies are meant to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage.

3. **Cost Predictability**: Unlimited hosting plans often provide cost predictability, as users pay a fixed monthly or annual fee without concerns about overage charges based on resource usage.

4. **Convenience**: Unlimited hosting plans can be convenient for users who want to focus on website development and content creation without the need to monitor or calculate resource usage constantly.

**Key Differences**:

– Shared hosting refers to the hosting environment where multiple users share server resources, while unlimited hosting is a term used to describe resource policies within hosting plans.
– Shared hosting plans can be both limited and unlimited, depending on the hosting provider’s resource policies.
– Unlimited hosting plans are characterized by the perception of limitless resources but are subject to acceptable use policies and hidden resource limits.
– Shared hosting is primarily about resource sharing and is often cost-effective, while unlimited hosting primarily pertains to resource policies and cost predictability.

When choosing a hosting plan, it’s essential to consider your website’s specific needs and the hosting provider’s policies, whether they offer shared hosting, unlimited hosting, or other types of hosting plans. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision based on your requirements and budget.

Shared hosting and VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting are two distinct types of web hosting services, each with its own set of characteristics, advantages, and limitations. Here’s a comparison of shared hosting and VPS hosting to help you understand the differences:

**Shared Hosting**:

1. **Resource Sharing**: Shared hosting involves multiple users sharing the same physical server and its resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. These resources are shared among all users on the server.

2. **Cost-Effective**: Shared hosting is typically the most budget-friendly hosting option. The costs are distributed among multiple users, making it affordable for individuals and small businesses with limited budgets.

3. **Ease of Use**: Shared hosting is user-friendly and well-suited for beginners. Hosting providers often offer easy-to-use control panels for managing websites and email accounts.

4. **Limited Resources**: Shared hosting plans come with resource limitations. Since resources are shared, there may be restrictions on CPU usage, RAM, and storage space. High-traffic or resource-intensive websites can be impacted by these limits.

5. **Scalability**: Scalability is limited in shared hosting. While it’s suitable for small websites, as your website grows, you may encounter performance issues and need to upgrade to a more robust hosting solution.

**VPS Hosting**:

1. **Resource Isolation**: VPS hosting provides virtual private servers within a physical server. Each VPS is isolated from others, with dedicated CPU, RAM, storage, and an operating system. Users have more control over their allocated resources.

2. **Performance**: VPS hosting offers better performance and reliability compared to shared hosting. Users benefit from dedicated resources, which prevent resource contention and the “noisy neighbor” effect.

3. **Customization**: Users can customize their VPS environments, install and configure software, and make server-level configurations. This level of control is ideal for websites with specific requirements.

4. **Scalability**: VPS hosting is more scalable than shared hosting. Users can easily upgrade or downgrade their VPS plans to accommodate changing resource needs. It’s suitable for moderate to high-traffic websites.

5. **Cost**: VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting due to the dedicated resources provided. However, the cost is still lower than dedicated server hosting.

**Key Differences**:

– **Resource Isolation**: Shared hosting shares resources among users, while VPS hosting provides resource isolation with dedicated resources for each virtual server.
– **Performance**: VPS hosting offers better performance and stability compared to shared hosting, making it suitable for websites with moderate to high traffic or resource demands.
– **Control and Customization**: VPS hosting provides more control and customization options, allowing users to configure their server environment to meet specific needs.
– **Scalability**: VPS hosting is more scalable than shared hosting and can accommodate growing websites more effectively.
– **Cost**: Shared hosting is more budget-friendly, while VPS hosting comes at a higher cost due to the dedicated resources and increased performance.

The choice between shared hosting and VPS hosting depends on your website’s requirements, traffic, and budget. Shared hosting is suitable for basic websites and beginners, while VPS hosting offers greater control and performance for websites with specific needs.