Next-Gen VPS Hosting

Our virtual private servers are built from the ground using all SSD storage. Enjoy increased power.


Advanced Plans and Add-Ons

Upgrade your plan for advanced features or enhance your account with optional add-ons

Multi-Server Management

Need more than one account? Add shared, VPS, or even dedicated services to your account with ease.


Access Control

Create unique passwords restricting access to different areas of your account. Generate one for billing information.


Content Delivery Network

CloudFlare is built directly into your account. An advanced content delivery network.

Advanced Capabilities

Use advanced capabilities like Secure Shell (SSH) access, server-side includes, log file access.

Unique IPs

Enable advanced control of ports and further protect your account by securing an IP address.


Domain Privacy

Prevent identity theft, spam and phishing attacks by masking the personal information.



Defend your websites against attacks and malware by detecting and fixing vulnerabilities.



CodeGuard works behind the scenes, taking daily backups and saving each as a separate version.

Spam Protection

Powered by Google, Postini filters out harmful and unwanted content before it reaches your inbox.

We have a VPS configuration for you.

VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting 1

$ 30 /per month
Free a .COM Domain
50 GB SSD Storage
2 Cores CPU
4 GB Ram
1Gbps Lan
2TB Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
Upgrade to Add Email

VPS Hosting 2

$ 50 /per month
Free a .COM Domain
150 GB SSD Storage
4 Cores CPU
8 GB Ram
1Gbps Lan
2TB Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
Upgrade to Add Email

VPS Hosting 3

$ 120 /per month
Free a .COM Domain
400 GB SSD Storage
6 Cores CPU
12 GB Ram
1Gbps Lan
4TB Bandwidth
SSL Certificate
Upgrade to Add Email

Raising the Bar

Unprecedented features bring remarkable power.


24/7 Expert Support

Get your own IT department, instantly. Our award-winning US-Based experts are available to help.


Unlimited Hosting

Powerful shared hosting that doesn't put limits on the amount of data you transfer.


FREE Domain

We include a domain with every annual "Unlimited" plan and, unlike most hosts, we don't charge a fees.


Free SSL Security

We include Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on all domains so the data passed is always safely.


Unlimited Email

Create unlimited addresses with POP/IMAP/SMTP accounts. Plus support for autoresponders, and webmail.


Fast SSD Storage

All of your files are stored on fast, high-performance solid-state drives.

FAQ About our Virtual Server Hosting


VPS hosting, or Virtual Private Server hosting, is a type of web hosting service that combines elements of both shared hosting and dedicated hosting. In VPS hosting, a physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers through virtualization technology. Each virtual server operates independently with its own dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and an operating system.

Key characteristics of VPS hosting include:

1. **Isolation**: Each virtual server on a VPS hosting environment is isolated from others. This means that the activities and resource usage of one virtual server do not directly impact or interfere with the performance of others, providing a higher level of stability and security compared to shared hosting.

2. **Dedicated Resources**: VPS hosting offers dedicated resources to each virtual server. While these resources are shared at the physical server level, they are allocated exclusively to individual virtual servers, ensuring consistent performance.

3. **Root Access**: Depending on the hosting plan and provider, users often have root or administrative access to their virtual server. This allows for greater control over server configurations and software installations.

4. **Scalability**: VPS hosting is scalable, allowing users to easily adjust their resources as needed. You can upgrade or downgrade your VPS plan to accommodate changes in website traffic or resource demands.

5. **Customization**: Users can typically install and configure software, control panels, and applications on their virtual servers, tailoring the environment to their specific needs.

6. **Cost-Efficiency**: VPS hosting is more cost-effective than dedicated hosting, making it an attractive option for businesses and website owners who require more control and resources than shared hosting but have budget constraints.

7. **Security**: The isolation of virtual servers provides a degree of security as each virtual server is logically separated from others. Users can implement security measures tailored to their specific requirements.

8. **Managed and Unmanaged Options**: VPS hosting plans may come in managed or unmanaged varieties. Managed VPS hosting includes support and maintenance services from the hosting provider, while unmanaged VPS hosting requires users to handle server management tasks themselves.

VPS hosting is suitable for a wide range of applications, from hosting websites and web applications to running email servers and development environments. It offers a balance between cost, performance, and control, making it a popular choice for businesses and individuals with specific hosting needs.

VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server hosting) and virtual servers are closely related concepts in the world of web hosting and server management.

1. **VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server Hosting)**:
– VPS hosting is a type of web hosting service that provides users with virtualized servers within a physical server infrastructure.
– In VPS hosting, a single physical server is divided into multiple virtual private servers (VPS) using virtualization technology. Each VPS operates as an independent server with its own dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and an operating system.
– VPS hosting offers a balance between the cost-effective shared hosting and the more powerful but expensive dedicated hosting. It provides better performance, security, and customization options compared to shared hosting.
– Users of VPS hosting have more control over their server environment, including the ability to install and configure software, manage security settings, and allocate resources as needed.
– VPS hosting is suitable for a wide range of applications, from hosting websites and web applications to running email servers and development environments.

2. **Virtual Servers**:
– A virtual server, also known as a virtual machine (VM), is a software emulation of a physical server. It operates within a virtualization environment created by a hypervisor.
– Virtual servers can run on physical hardware, such as a server or data center, but they are abstracted from the underlying hardware. This abstraction allows multiple virtual servers to coexist on the same physical server.
– Virtual servers have their own isolated operating systems and applications. They share the physical server’s resources but do not interact with each other directly.
– Virtualization technologies like VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, and VirtualBox are commonly used to create and manage virtual servers.
– Virtual servers are used for various purposes, including server consolidation, application testing and development, sandboxing, and hosting multiple server instances on a single physical machine.

In summary, VPS hosting is a web hosting service that offers virtual private servers to users, while virtual servers are individual instances of virtualized servers that can run various operating systems and applications within a virtualization environment. VPS hosting relies on virtual servers to provide users with isolated and customizable hosting environments.

VPS hosting and dedicated server hosting are two distinct types of hosting services, each with its own advantages and limitations. The choice between them depends on your specific requirements, budget, and technical expertise. Here’s a comparison between VPS hosting and a dedicated server:

**VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server)**:

1. **Resource Sharing**: In VPS hosting, a physical server is divided into multiple virtual private servers (VPS). These VPS instances share physical server resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, but are isolated from each other. Each VPS gets a guaranteed portion of these resources.

2. **Cost-Effective**: VPS hosting is more budget-friendly compared to dedicated servers. It provides a good balance between performance and cost, making it suitable for small to medium-sized websites and applications.

3. **Scalability**: VPS hosting plans can often be scaled up or down as needed. You can adjust resources to accommodate changes in traffic or application requirements.

4. **Control**: Users typically have root or administrative access to their VPS, allowing for customization of server configurations, software installations, and security settings.

5. **Managed and Unmanaged**: VPS hosting comes in both managed and unmanaged varieties. Managed VPS plans include support and maintenance services from the hosting provider, while unmanaged plans require users to handle server management tasks themselves.

**Dedicated Server**:

1. **Dedicated Resources**: With a dedicated server, you have exclusive access to all the physical server’s resources. There is no resource sharing with other users, providing consistent and predictable performance.

2. **High Performance**: Dedicated servers offer high levels of performance and can handle resource-intensive applications and websites with ease. They are suitable for large e-commerce sites, high-traffic websites, and complex applications.

3. **Complete Control**: Users have full control over the dedicated server, including hardware and software configurations. This level of control is ideal for businesses with specific requirements.

4. **Security**: Dedicated servers provide enhanced security as there are no neighboring virtual servers that can impact your server’s performance or security.

5. **Technical Expertise**: Managing a dedicated server requires technical expertise, as you are responsible for server administration, security updates, and maintenance.

6. **Higher Cost**: Dedicated servers are more expensive than VPS hosting due to the exclusive access to resources and the cost of dedicated hardware.

**Choosing Between VPS Hosting and a Dedicated Server**:

– Choose VPS hosting if you have a limited budget, need flexibility in resource allocation, and have moderate to high resource demands.
– Choose a dedicated server if you require maximum performance, complete control, and have the technical expertise to manage server administration and security.
– Consider the growth potential of your website or application when making your decision, as you may need to scale up from VPS hosting to a dedicated server as your requirements evolve.

Ultimately, the choice between VPS hosting and a dedicated server depends on your specific hosting needs, budget, and technical capabilities.

Yes APT COM offer VPS hosting with root access and without any boundary. Its totally full open unmanaged server but we have also some restricted about VPN and Offshore content. 

To determine whether APT COM offers Windows VPS hosting or any other specific services, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting their customer support directly. Their website should provide details about their hosting plans, including the operating systems available for VPS hosting. Additionally, you can reach out to their support team to inquire about their hosting services and discuss your specific requirements.

We have both VPS hosting service. When choosing between managed VPS hosting and unmanaged VPS hosting, it’s important to understand the key differences and how they align with your technical skills, resources, and business needs. Here’s a detailed comparison:

### Managed VPS Hosting


1. **Technical Support**:
– Managed VPS hosting includes comprehensive technical support. Hosting providers take care of server setup, maintenance, monitoring, security, and backups.
– Ideal for users with limited technical knowledge or those who prefer to focus on their business rather than server management.

2. **Security**:
– Managed services typically include advanced security features such as regular updates, firewall management, malware scanning, and automatic backups.
– Hosting providers often have dedicated security teams to handle threats and vulnerabilities.

3. **Performance Optimization**:
– Providers often optimize the server for performance, including configuring caching, load balancing, and other performance enhancements.
– Managed services ensure your server runs smoothly and efficiently, handling traffic spikes and maintaining uptime.

4. **Time-Saving**:
– Offloading server management tasks allows you to save time and focus on core business activities.
– Hosting providers handle tasks like OS updates, software installations, and troubleshooting.


1. **Cost**:
– Managed VPS hosting is generally more expensive than unmanaged hosting due to the additional services provided.
– Higher costs might not be justified for users with the technical expertise to manage their servers.

2. **Less Control**:
– Managed hosting might limit your control over server configurations and customizations, depending on the provider’s policies.
– Some providers may restrict access to certain settings or software installations.

### Unmanaged VPS Hosting


1. **Cost-Effective**:
– Unmanaged VPS hosting is usually cheaper than managed hosting, making it a cost-effective choice for those with technical expertise.
– You only pay for the server resources without additional management fees.

2. **Full Control**:
– You have complete control over the server environment, including OS choice, software installations, and configurations.
– Ideal for advanced users who need a highly customizable and flexible server setup.

3. **Learning Opportunity**:
– Managing your own server provides a valuable learning experience, helping you develop technical skills and server management expertise.
– Suitable for developers, system administrators, and tech-savvy individuals.


1. **Responsibility**:
– You are responsible for all aspects of server management, including setup, maintenance, security, updates, and troubleshooting.
– Requires a solid understanding of server administration and the ability to resolve technical issues independently.

2. **Time-Consuming**:
– Managing a server can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with updates, security patches, performance tuning, and backups.
– May divert attention from core business activities, particularly for small businesses or solo entrepreneurs.

3. **Risk**:
– Higher risk of misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities if you lack the necessary expertise.
– Potential for downtime or performance issues if not managed properly.

### Conclusion

**Choose Managed VPS Hosting if**:
– You prefer a hands-off approach to server management and want to focus on your business.
– You have limited technical expertise or resources to manage a server.
– You require robust security, performance optimization, and reliable support.

**Choose Unmanaged VPS Hosting if**:
– You have the technical skills and resources to manage your own server.
– You need full control over your server environment and custom configurations.
– You are looking for a cost-effective solution and are comfortable handling all aspects of server management.

Ultimately, the choice between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting depends on your technical capabilities, budget, and specific needs. Managed hosting offers convenience and peace of mind, while unmanaged hosting provides flexibility and cost savings for those who can handle the responsibilities.