Well, it’s very clear that why these processors are called dual core, quad core, hexa core and octa core. This is due to the number of cores they have. Dual core processors are made up of two cores (independent actual processing unites are called cores) that’s why called dual core. Similarly quad core processors are made up of 4 cores, hexa core with 6 cores and in the same manner octa core with 8 cores.
Doubling the amount of cores also doubles the performance! Why? Let me explain. For example, if you’ve a quad core processor (4 cores), then the task will be divided in 4 parts to be completed faster but if you’ve octa core processor (8 cores), then task will be divided into 8 parts and complete the task double faster than quad core processor.
Now, let me tell you about each of those processors one by one:
Dual Core Processors
Dual-core refers to a CPU that includes two complete execution cores per physical processor. It has combined two processors and their caches and cache controllers onto a single integrated circuit (silicon chip).
Quad Core Processors
A quad-core processor is a chip with four independent units called cores that read and execute central processing unit (CPU) instructions such as add, move data, and branch.
Within the chip, each core operates in conjunction with other circuits such as cache, memory management, and input/output (I/O) ports. The individual cores in a quad-core processor can run multiple instructions at the same time, increasing the overall speed for programs compatible with parallel processing.
Hexa Core Processors
Hexa Core is another multi-core processor that comes with six cores and has the ability to perform tasks even faster than dual core and quad core processors.
For PC users, Hexa Core processors are nothing new because Intel has already launched its Intel Core i7 Hexa Core processor in 2010. But, this term may be slightly new for smartphone users because mostly smartphone companies was using only Dual Core and Quad Core processors but very few smartphones are launched with Hexa Core processors.
Octa Core Processors
As dual core processors are made up of 2 cores, quad core with 4 cores and hexa core with 6 cores, the octa core processors are made up of 8 completely independent cores to perform task very efficiently and even double faster than quad core processor.
Modern octa-core processors, simply have two sets of quad-core processors, which split various tasks between them according to type. Most of the time, the lower-powered set of cores will be employed. When advanced tasks are needed, however, the faster set of four cores will kick in.
A more accurate term than octa-core, then, would be “dual quad-core”. But that just sounds confusing, and it’s not nearly so marketable. So, octa-core it is.