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DateOct 17, 2017
MySQL to MariaDB Upgrade
We are upgrading database system of our all hosting server accounts by migrating from MySQL 5.6 to MariaDB 10.1, a relational database management system (RDBMS) that provides all the functionality of MySQL 5.6, and more. This migration will improve long-term...
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DateOct 15, 2017
Brute Force Floor Attack on WP Sites
As I write this article of Brute Force Floor Attack in WordPress, there is an on going and highly distributed, global attack on WordPress installations across virtually every web host in existence! This attack is well organized and again very,...
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DateOct 1, 2017
How to fix this site can’t be reached error in Gooogle Chrome
Most of Google Chrome users must have faced ‘This site can’t be reached error‘ but didn’t have any clue how to fix it? Then don’t worry troubleshooter is at your disposal to fix this issue easily. The cause of this...
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DateSep 3, 2017
What Are Dual Core, Quad Core, Hexa Core & Octa Core Processors?
Well, it’s very clear that why these processors are called dual core, quad core, hexa core and octa core. This is due to the number of cores they have. Dual core processors are made up of two cores (independent actual processing...
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DateJan 14, 2017
Introducing Cloud Linux
Cloud Linux server Introducing by APT COM. We are proud to announce Cloud Linux Server is installed on our shared Servers. CloudLinux is a revolutionary Operating System that allows each cPanel account on our servers to have its own CPU...
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