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DateMar 17, 2018
PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.0 Or Switch
PHP Switch Smooth with Super Easy. Ok, so let’s start with the server. First, you’re running PHP 5.6. You should be running 7. Here’s why. Site speed – PHP 7 can handle uncached hits 2-3x faster than on PHP 5.5 Resource efficiency – An...
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DateFeb 15, 2018
How To Add A Favicon To WordPress Admin Panel?
Favicon. Follow the below steps to set favicon in your site. Prepare image file….. Go to Administration Screen > Appearance > Customize. Click Site Identify. Click Select Image at Site Icon section, upload the image file you prepared in the...
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DateDec 22, 2017
Announcement: R1Soft Restore Backups
R1Soft Backup and Restore also provide by APT COM hosting. We live in a digitalized world where most of the processes of your company have shifted to the online realm. We are pleased to announce revolutionary R1Soft Server Backup Manager...
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DateNov 24, 2017
Unmetered Traffic
Unmetered Traffic. How much bandwidth is included with my plan? There are no set limits on the data transfer (bandwidth) that we provide in our web hosting plans. These resources are “unmetered”, meaning you are not billed according to the...
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DateNov 10, 2017
How to access a site temporarily nameserver?
Temporarily nameserver, As we have mod_userdir protection for a few servers, clients hosted on those servers will not be view website using tide(~) sign. So, this knowledge base will guide a secondary method to view the site without the tide(~)...
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DateOct 22, 2017
Important: Password Security Policies
The password is the single most common security measure for digital systems, both online and off-line. The problem is that it is becoming increasingly less secure as hackers gain more and more powerful tools to simply crack them. A great...
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