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DateOct 17, 2017
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
Search Engine Optimization. What is SEO, and why should I care? SEO is an acronym for “Search Engine optimization.” It refers to the procedures, efforts and thought processes behind improving a site’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). A...
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DateOct 17, 2017
ICANN Changes
 ICANN recent changes – WHOIS Verification Requirement Just read that starting January 1, 2014, domain registrars will be required to send out emails to verify registration of a domain and if you don’t respond to the verification email, you could...
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DateOct 17, 2017
404 Error Redirect
404’s are part of every website. When coding a one page site, you might not have the time to create a custom 404 page. In which case, you might as well redirect the 404 page to your site’s homepage. In...
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DateOct 17, 2017
Create Custom Menu
How to create custom menu for your WordPress site. Custom menu feature is one of the cool feature WordPress has provided along with its V.3 update. Since then I have been loving it and have enabled this feature on every...
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DateOct 17, 2017
WordPress Protection
WordPress Protection Hosting by APT COM. WordPress is one of the most popular CMS script available now. It has great feature, can be installed and handled easily. We have seen many of our customer using WordPress for their site. Once...
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DateOct 17, 2017
SEO Tools for cPanel !
cPanel SEO Tools. Today, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is imperative to give your business the exposure it needs to be successful and allows potential customers to find you easily online. Having Search Engine Optimization will bring more direct hits to...
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